Protecting your rights is one of the most important functions of FEA.

Providing an outstanding education for DoDEA students is a full time job. When work-related problems arise – whether related to your pay, your treatment as an employee, or your rights as a federal worker – you don’t always have the time or experience necessary to seek resolution.

Thanks to FEA, however, you do have resources to call upon for assistance.

The FEA team of experienced attorneys work on your behalf to protect your rights and benefits.

FEA works with management representatives to find quick and fair resolutions to a variety of issues members face. When necessary, however, our legal staff is also prepared to take more formal action to see you are protected, such as:

  • Filing grievances with DoDEA to dispute and correct pay difficulties
  • Litigating to protect and enforce your rights as a federal worker
  • Standing beside you in the face of unfair action by management


FEA’s legal team has the knowledge and experience needed to advise you and to make sure you are protected to the fullest extent of the law.

On one occasion, we assisted a DoDEA teacher and FEA member from the Pacific area with her pay issues. When she noticed her daily rate and allotment were zeroed out for one of her two direct deposit accounts, she brought the issue up with DoDEA but received an incoherent explanation and no resolution. She then “reached out to FEA to assist with a pay audit from 2019 to the present. [FEA] requested all my LESs and were able to provide a VERY thorough explanation of the issue…After the inquiry, my allotment was corrected from zero back to the original amount I set aside to come out my pay into my other bank account.”


If you are an Association member experiencing problems that may require legal assistance, please contact your FEA building representative to begin the process of seeking help.

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FEA fights for the salary, benefits, and respect you deserve. Become a member today.