Retired and Pre-Retired Membership


NEA/FEA Retired Members continue to receive NEA and FEA publications, maintain eligibility for participation in NEA Member Benefits programs, and remain covered by liability insurance (in the event a retired teacher chooses to substitute teach after retirement). NEA/FEA retired members are also eligible to run for FEA Retired Delegate to the NEA Representative Assembly.


How Do I Join NEA/FEA Retired?

Any educator or person who supports the purposes and programs of the Association and who has retired from DoDEA may join NEA/FEA Retired. To do so, see the enrollment instructions below.


What is NEA/FEA Pre-Retired Membership?

NEA/FEA Pre-Retired Membership is open to any current active member of NEA/FEA regardless of his/her retirement date. This membership allows an individual to enroll in the NEA/FEA retirement program, prior to actual retirement, for a one-time payment during the current school year.

Remember, these are one-time-only dues. Once you have joined NEA/FEA Retired or prepaid your NEA/FEA retired dues, you are automatically a retired member of both organizations for life. Your Pre-Retired membership becomes effective once you retire (Pre-Retired members must continue to pay annual NEA/FEA ACTIVE dues while they are teaching).



If you are currently employed by DoDEA and wish to join NEA/FEA as a Pre-Retired member, download the pre-retired membership form.

If you have retired from DoDEA and wish to join NEA/FEA Retired, download the retired membership form.

Contact Nereyda Jones-Luciano in the FEA Washington office to request additional information on NEA/FEA Retired or Pre-Retired membership.

Once you have downloaded and completed the appropriate form, enclose a check for the dues amount listed on the form, made payable to FEA, and mail your form to:

1201 16th St., NW #117
Washington, DC 20036

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