1. FEA Europe Elections 2. Women's History Month 3. NEA MLT/WLT Impressions 4. IRS Forms and Publications 5. Printable Posters for Women's History Month 6. FRS/Local Elections 7. RITA/WTA 8. Mark Your Calendar 1. FEA Europe Elections--Ballots, envelopes, etc. are being sent to all FRSs/election chairs in Europe for the elections of NEA Representative Assembly… Read More
Terry's Update 24 February 2021 1. FEA Europe Elections 2. NEA Leadership Training 3. National Teacher Day History 4. IRS Forms and Publications 5. Social Security Deferral Info 6. Mark Your Calendar 1. FEA Europe Elections--Ballots, envelopes, etc. are being sent to all FRSs/election chairs in Europe for the elections of NEA Representative Assembly… Read More
Terry's Update 3 February 2021 1. FEA Europe Elections 2. Black History Month 3. NEA Leadership Training 4. President's Day Info 5. Social Security Deferral Info 6. National School Counseling Week 7. Mark Your Calendar 1. FEA Europe Elections--Ballots, envelopes, etc. are being sent to all FRSs/election chairs in Europe for the elections of NEA… Read More
Terry's Update 6 January 2021 1. Martin Luther King Jr Day 2. NEA Read Across America Grants 3. Social Security Deferral Info 4. Learn and Earn with FEA's Book Clubs 5. Mark Your Calendar 1. Martin Luther King Jr Day - is an American federal holiday marking the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. It is… Read More
Terry's Update 2 December 2020 1. FEA Europe Election Information 2. Office of Personnel Management Open Season 3. Installation Access Control & Quarantine Article 4. Deadlines for Mailing for Holidays 5. Retiree Power Point 6. NEA Benefit 7. Mark your Calendar Events 1. Election Information -- FEA members in Europe will elect six representatives for the… Read More
Terry's Update 18 November 2020 1. Election Information 2. Open Season 3. PD and Planning for Human Rights Day 4. Deadlines for Mailing Packages 5. Mark Your Calendar 1. Election Information -- FEA members in Europe will elect six representatives for the NEA Representative Assembly. NEA delegates from around the U.S. and around the world are… Read More
Terry's Update 21 October 2020 1. Open Season 2. Purple Up for Military Kids 3. Red Ribbon Week 4. Mark Your Calendar 5. Election Information 1. Open Season -- It is getting close to open season for changes in insurance etc. (November 9-December 14) and is always a good idea to check what you have and… Read More
Terry's Update 7 October 2020 1. Open Season 2. Read Across America 3. Purple Up for Military Kids 4. Certificates 5. Red Ribbon Week 6. National Day on Writing 7. National Education Association info 8. Mark Your Calendar 9. Election Information 1. Open Season -- It is getting close to open season for changes in insurance… Read More
Terry's Update 23 September, 2020 1. September HCR Advocate 2. Cultural Humility Online Course Offering 3. S&S Article on Taxation in Germany 4. RAT Travel Reimbursement Info 5. Overseas Pay Problems 6. FEA Europe Leadership 7. TSP Loan info 8. LES Check up 9. Mark Your Calendar 10. NEA Information 1. September 2020 FEA Advocate --… Read More
Terry's Update 2 September, 2020 1. Welcome Back 2. RAT Travel Reimbursement Info 3. Payroll Organizer 4. Membership Materials information 5. TSP Loan info 6. Name Change to HCR 7. FEA Europe Leadership 8. eDues Enrollment Info/Deadline 9. NEA Info for start of SY 10. Mark Your Calendar 11. Non-Temporary Storage Info 1. Welcome Back --… Read More